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What are the best Mesotherapy application methods? What is Needle-Free Mesotherapy?

The best mesotherapy application methods of medical aesthetic clinics are the classical micro injection method and the needle-free mesotherapy method. In the classic micro-injection method, anesthesia cream is applied to the area to be treated about 20 minutes beforehand. Afterwards, the mesotherapy mixture is injected under the skin with the help of micro needles that are thin enough to not cause pain when inserted.

Thanks to the needle-free mesotherapy device, it offers needle-free, painless application with electroporation technology that uses low electric current. This method can be preferred by those with sensitive skin and needle phobia.

How effective is Mesotherapy in medical aesthetic applications?

The duration of effect of mesotherapy applications varies depending on the type and the patient's complaints. In medical aesthetic applications, mesotherapy treatments begin to show their effects in 2 or 6 sessions, depending on the content of the applied substance and the condition of the patient. For mesotherapy treatments to be effective for a long time, they may require repeating at certain intervals.

What are the Mesotherapy applications other than medical aesthetics?

When it comes to mesotherapy, it is generally thought of as a form of treatment used for medical aesthetic purposes. However, many diseases other than aesthetics can be treated with mesotherapy. In some cases, it is used as an aid in the treatment of diseases. Mesotherapy practices other than aesthetics performed by doctors performing medical aesthetics are as follows:

  • Relieving pain in menstrual period, neuralgia, fibromyalgia, migraine, cervicobrachial syndrome and gout disorders where there are many complaints of pain.
  • In healing the inflamed area and relieving pain in rheumatic diseases.
  • In case of muscle and tendon damage and inflammation that occurs in people involved in sports or after trauma.
  • Vascular diseases such as varicose veins and circulatory disorders can be treated easily and effectively with mesotherapy.

The best combined treatments with Mesotherapy in medical aesthetic

As a result of the evaluation of the patients' complaints by the mesotherapist, the best combined treatment opportunities with mesotherapy are available in medical aesthetic clinics, if necessary. In our clinic, it is possible to achieve more effective and faster results in treatments combined with mesotherapy. It is aimed to shorten the treatment time and increase the effectiveness of the treatment by combining different methods according to the treatment plan determined by the mesotherapist. With the foresight of our specialist doctor, a high rate of success is achieved from combined treatments.

Our patients who want to have procedures such as facial mesotherapy, weight loss with mesotherapy, mesotherapy for hair loss, body mesotherapy, and mesotherapy in spot treatment in a reliable clinic in Istanbul can contact us.