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Cupping Therapy Istanbul - Hijama - Cupping Massage Cost in Istanbul Turkey

Muhsine Zeynep Yavuz Clinic - Istanbul


Cupping/Hijama is a popular practice in many non-Muslim countries and even institutes have been established about it. Cupping is not an art that people who are ignorant of the science of medicine can learn as a result of short courses. Therefore, cupping is an application that can be done by those who have knowledge and experience in this regard. Briefly it’s a kind of minor surgery.



Cupping (hijama) applications have been used for treatment in many parts of the world for thousands of years. In recent years, with the increasing interest in traditional treatment methods, the use of cupping (hijama) therapy, like other complementary treatment methods, and its re-approval as a treatment option have increased. It has been practiced as a tradition that has been going on for centuries in Islamic society because our Prophet (PBUH) suggested many hadiths in his sheriffs. However, before, it was done by people who did not know much about this subject and who could not be considered competent, who saw cupping as only shedding blood. Today, after it was recognized as a traditional and complementary treatment method by the Ministry of Health, it started to be applied by doctors and was added to treatments in a more scientific and disease-oriented way.


Pronounced as ‘’Hijama’’ in Arabic and better known as cupping therapy in English, this practice simply means sucking, pulling and vacuuming. The fact that the Arabic express the sucking activity of the child to extract milk from the mother’s breast with the verb ‘Haceme’ supports the meaning of the word ‘Vacuuming’.

The work of making cupping is called ‘Ihticam’, the person who makes it a profession is called ‘Haccam’ and the cutting tool used to scratch the skin is called ‘mihcem’ in Arabic.



When the historical information about cupping therapy is examined, we better understand the importance of it. The fact that cupping is practiced by geniuses such as Ibn Sina (aka Avicenna in western countries), Hippocrates, Galen and Celsus, who are respected in the science of medicine, and that it is used as an important treatment method by different civilizations – although they are few in number-, shows how wrong some people’s statements such as “hijama is unscientific” are.

Although the practice of cupping was highly recommended to the Prophet on the night of Isra (means night walking) ,when five daily prayers were commanded, its history dates back to ancient times.

We learn from the sources of different civilizations about where and when the practices of cupping and bloodletting were made for the first time. It is understood that cupping has found its place in Egyptian, Chinese, Indian, Greek, Roman and Arab civilizations. The written source showing that cupping was practiced for the first time is an Egyptian papyrus. This papyrus is the Ebers Papyrus, which was written in 1500 BC and published by the German scientist George Ebers in 1875 AD.

One of the civilizations that used cupping for a long time is the Indians. The sources from which we obtain information about the medical practices of the Indian society are the ayur-vedic texts, which means ‘science of life’.

As we understand from the works named Ad Glauconem de Medendi Medhodo (A Method of Medicine to Glaucon) and Ars Parva (Ars Medica), Galen also followed the ideas of Hippocrates and practiced the bloodletting method to get rid of diseases.

Cupping was also practiced in the age of ignorance

Cupping is such a widely accepted practice that it transitions between different civilizations. Medical information was transferred from the Ancient Greek society to the Romans, as well as to the Persian society. Persians, on the other hand, acted as an intermediary in reaching this information to the Arab society.

The practice of cupping, which was known in the Age of Ignorance, was continued during the period of our Prophet. Hadith sources, commentaries on hadith books, biography and history books (especially, the chapter “Remembrance of the Messenger of God’s Cupping” in Ibn Sa’d’s book et-Tabakâtu’l-Kubra) are quite informative in determining the nature of cupping culture in the Era of Bliss.

Many physicians in the Islamic World have practiced the cupping therapy as a treatment method. It is possible to see examples of this practice in Razi, Avicenna and Zahravi. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) expressed the relationship between the full moon and cupping and conveyed important information about this healing occasion. In the Ottoman age, cupping found a place for itself.

With the ‘Regulation on Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practices’, published in the Official Newspaper of the Republic of Turkey dated October 27, 2014, issues related to the people who can practice cupping, the materials to be used in the method and the characteristics of the place where the cupping will be performed are discussed.

Cupping centers opened in countries such as Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Norway, United Kingdom, France, Sweden and Switzerland attract great attention. In many Islamic countries, there are special clinics and centers opened for this therapy

benefits of cupping


Toxins, toxic wastes, free radicals and residues of prepared foods, drug metabolites, heavy metals (if any) in the blood are thrown out of the body. It's kind of like a detox.   Oxygen nutrition of the body also increases, as it helps to increase circulation and regularity with its different effects. Through the hormones and oxygen released, the body becomes vigorous and relaxes. 

In addition to the necessary drugs, it accelerates the healing process in cold, flu, etc. respiratory diseases.  Its benefits have been identified in reducing or relieving various pains, including migraine. In particular, its effects have been demonstrated in relieving chronic pain. 

Due to its stimulating effects on blood production, it can be beneficial in anemia diseases with cupping practiced duly. Stimulating effects on organs such as liver, bone marrow and spleen responsible for blood production can be seen. 

In epileptic seizures, which is popularly known as epilepsy, it can be observed to reduce the severity and number of seizures.  Dizziness is one of the most common health problems. It is known that cupping has effects against some cases of dizziness, depending on the cause of the disease. 

We call our body's sudden response to stimuli as a reflex. There is information that cupping strengthens reflexes.  It is stated by experts that cupping plays an auxiliary role in the treatment of various dental diseases. Cupping can be practiced to relieve toothache. It is also mentioned in the hadiths that it has an effect. 

Cupping can reduce the viscosity in the intercellular matrix and subcutaneous adhesions. Even in this state, it is possible to relieve pain.  Cupping can be effective in preventing or treating skin diseases, as it increases the oxygen supply of the skin, removes adhesions under the skin, and strengthens the immune structure. These benefits have been identified in some studies. 


We see in various articles that it has blood pressure regulating effects. Especially, its high blood pressure lowering effects are among its known benefits.  Cupping accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers. Removal of residues, increase in circulation, migration of blood elements involved in wound healing to the cupping area may be effective in this effect of cupping.


Although cupping may seem simple, it is actually a very  delicate art and a minor surgery. There is a difference between the cupping practiced to the diabetic patient and the cupping practiced to the patients with diabetes and high blood pressure. 

The person who will perform cupping therapy must be technically competent. It is a separate art to determine which areas, how many and what size cups and how often the treatment will be done.

We understand from the hadith that besides the necessity of giving the job to the competent, those who make cupping should be people who have gained skills. We are sad to witness that such an important means of healing as cupping is left in the hands of incompetent people. The hadiths about cupping, practices carried out in centuries of happiness, the medical aspect of cupping, the anatomical structure of human beings, basic physiological, pharmacological and pathological mechanisms, hygiene rules, diseases in which cupping may be risky, what has to be done before and after cupping, human psychology, dealing with the patient. It is necessary  that therapists to have information about these interviews and anamnesis. For more information please visit our blog page.



The blood approaching the skin becomes stagnant in the capillaries and carries the dirty part under the skin that is not integrated with the body structure and needs to be expelled. After the full moon days, that is, on the 17th, 19th and 21st days of the lunar months, the dirty blood will leave the body with cupping. This phenomenon is similar to the fact that sea scum is carried to the beaches due to the tides during the full moon days. Cupping is done for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. We know that in cases of disease, cupping can be practiced at any time, regardless of the day and time. Because we understand from the narrations that the Prophet also had cupping done when he needed it, regardless of the day. In The Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet’s asking for the therapist to practice himself cupping treatment despite he was on a camel and in Ihram shows that cupping can be done regardless of time and place, depending on the need. According to a narration by Ibn Abbas, Abu Musa al-Ash’ari had cupping done at night out of necessity. However, it would be more appropriate for those who want to have cupping treatment just to fulfillment a sunnah or to take precautions against diseases, to consider the lunar days mentioned in the hadiths, in terms of both observing the sunnah and gaining benefits

As a general rule, we can say that we can always use cupping to treat diseases in emergencies, and there are examples of this in Era of Bliss.

For protective purposes, it would be more correct to have cupping treatment on the 17th, 19th and 21st of the lunar months. 



Cup apps

  • dry mug
  • wet cup (hijama);

It is divided into two.

  • Dry mug: mostly used in Chinese medicine. It is based on the application of negative pressure in the diseased area, stimulating the area and increasing blood flow. There is no incision or bleeding. Its effects are more limited than classical hijama.
  • Wet cup (hijama): both vacuum is applied to the skin and cuts are made to the area where vacuum is applied. In this way, disease-causing factors and toxins are removed from the area where the cuts are made. At the same time, with the effect of incisions and vacuum, both local healing factors increase and blood flow in the troubled area increases.

  • How is Cupping Treatment



  • To strengthen the immune system without any disease factor,
  • In chronic pain
  • In fibromyalgia
  • Joint pain
  • In muscle pain
  • Many types of headache, such as migraine
  • In sleep disorders
  • In many digestive system problems such as constipation, nausea, vomiting
  • Hijama can be used for treatment.



To most people, it's a procedure that feels like a vacuum that pulls your skin and muscles away from your bones: somewhere between not very pleasant and hurting a little. The remaining people describe it as a sedative, comforting experience that feels like an active massage.


It is forbidden for official hospitals and clinics approved by the Ministry of Health to indicate figures related to the prices of cup (hijama) applications, and penal sanctions are applied to official institutions and organizations that do not comply with this rule. In addition, in order for Specialist Doctor Muhsine Zeynep Yavuz to give clear information about cupping (hijama) applications and prices, she should first examine the patient and analyze her current health status, and then decide on cupping (hijama) sessions after listening to her complaints and expectations.

You can call Muhsine Zeynep Yavuz Clinic by using the phone numbers ☏ +90 (212) 234 43 32 ✆ +90 553 855 98 29, or you can use the live support line in their online situations, “How much are cup (hijama) prices, you have a campaign in cup (hijama) treatment” is it, what needs to be done before and after cupping (hijama) treatment, how the processes are progressing” etc. You can get information by forwarding all your questions such as patient consultants.


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common sexual health disorder affecting millions of men worldwide. It is one of the most important symptoms of this disease, with the inability to achieve the erection necessary for a healthy sexual intercourse or the loss of this erection during sexual intercourse. Although some treatments are applied in modern medicine to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), this disease can also be treated with wet cupping - Hijama therapy, one of the traditional medicine methods.

Hijama (wet cupping) therapy is known to be successful in treating Erectile dysfunction caused by Extreme Cold and Blood Stagnation. Symptoms of Extreme Cold may include Erectile dysfunction, painful erection, excessive water retention in the abdomen, frequent urination, low back pain, knee pain, clear abundant urine, prostate problems, low sperm motility and poor morphology.

In order to achieve the most successful results, it is often necessary to use the hijama therapy (wet cupping) in combination with herbal formulas and moxibustion. If you are interested in discovering the advantages of Hijama Therapy (Wet Cupping) for yourself, we kindly invite you to visit us at our clinic.

What are the days of hijama - cupping therapy? Why is it important?

We mentioned that hijama (cupping treatment) is now scientifically performed today. Now let's talk briefly about what are the days of cupping and why it is important through the tide event. If we remember our geography information, the tidal tide is the effects of the Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth. We see this effect most clearly in the form of receding waters.

However, the gravitational pull of the Moon is not limited to waters and land. The gravitational force of the Moon also has some effects on the human body. Special days, which we call cupping days, are determined according to this interaction. The days when we feel the gravitational pull of the Moon the most are known as the most ideal cupping days. It is known that toxic substances in our body are collected closer to the skin surface with the gravitational pull of the Moon. In order for cupping treatment to be more effective, it is important to perform it on the days after the moon completes the full moon phase.

The days of cupping recommended by the Prophet in his hadiths are calculated according to the lunar calendar, that is, the Hijri calendar. The days of cupping are the 17th, 19th and 21st days of the Hijri months.

Although the days of circumcised cupping are determined in this way, it would be better to follow the days and sessions determined by your doctor for cupping to be performed for therapeutic purposes.